DSR in Galaxies

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Summary Table
Category Progenitor Type Energy Mechanism Emission Mechanism Counterparts References Brief Comments
LF Radio HF Radio Microwave Terahertz Optical/IR X-rays Gamma-rays Gravitational Waves Neutrinos
Other Dicke's Superradiance in Galaxies Both Dicke's Superradiance Synch. Yes -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2018MNRAS.475..514H --

Definitions: LF Radio (3 MHz to 3 GHz); HF Radio (3 GHz to 30 GHz); Microwave (30 to 300 GHz)

Model Description

Postulated in 1953 and first detected in 1973, Dicke's Superradiance (DSR) has been invoked as one of the few “microphysical” FRB models. The aim is to explain FRBs using the atomic interactions in galaxies. DSR can occur in astrophysical settings, provided: the collection of atoms is inverted; the velocity coherence is high; and the non-coherent relaxation mechanisms occur on a timescale larger than the delay time. If one models the ISM as a cylinder of atoms, the predicted DSR emission power and timescale can fit FRB data. This model is additionally appealing since the DSR mechanism can adapt to a wide variety of FRB behaviour, and proposes no new entities/physics. Indeed, the DMs associated with FRBs fits well with the ISM required for DSR to occur. DSR also presents a mechanism through which a repeater can be explained. If a collection of molecules has DSR triggered at the same time, the intrinsic variation in the DSR timescale and time delay would give the observation of bursts at different times. The variation is because the time delay is an expectation value, and the collection of molecules being ionised at the same time is due to the entanglement, which also causes a differential in emission time. This process can happen repeatedly as population inversion will be non-inverted but swiftly restored via the ISM, which will drive more FRB pulses, and so on. The flux distribution of such a setup can be matched to FRB 121102.

Observational Constraints
